Murata Fermented Foods Lab ~English version~
Murata Fermented Foods Lab

We deliver to your home!

We deliver food to your home to maintain your health, mainly fermented foods.
The delivery area is
〇 Makati
〇 Alabang
Delivery available outside the above areas

We’ve expanded our delivery range using Lalamove’s motorcycle delivery service!
※Please make sure to check out “For Motorcycle Delivery Customers” when using the bike delivery service.
Price : 200pesos
Contents: 200grams

Natto is a traditional Japanese dish consisting of fermented soybeans.
Usually natto is characterized by a slimy, sticky and stringy texture.
However this home made Natto’s characteristic is mild smell and shiny.
100% home made by natural material high quality soy beans.
from Canada and Natto bacteria only, no added additives.
Included a lot of Protein, Fiber, Vitamins, Minerals and Nutrition
Improvement immune strength and good health condition for long life
Diet, weight reduction, making beautiful skin and healthy heart
Strengthen bones, enhanced liver function and reducing blood clots
Supporting absorb the nutrients of daily meal
Recommendation for combination:
Salt, Soy sauce, Wasabi paste, Ginger, Mustard, Green onion, Okra,
Kimchi, Sesame, Egg, Tofu, Tuna can, Vinegar, Honey and etc.
Small size
Price : 200pesos
Contents: 280grams
Large size
Price : 300pesos
Contents: 500grams

Yogurt is a food produced by bacterial fermentation of milk.
This Yogurt is 100% home made by natural milk and bacteria only.
It’s mild taste and creamy even no added sugar and other additives.
If you can add Fruit, Nuts, Honey and Dred Fruit, It would be more
improvement immune strength. Also Fruit Vinegar is great combination.
Rich in Protein, Calcium, Phosphorus, B vitamins, Riboflavin and B12
Supporting certain gastrointestinal and gut condition
Preventive Diarrhea, Colon cancer, H. Pylori and Constipation
Strengthen bones and protecting against osteoporosis
Improvement immune strength and good health condition for long life
Recommendation for combination:
Fresh fruit, Dried fruit, Honey, Nuts, Jam, Cereal, Granola, Chia Seeds,
Coconut Flakes, Maple syrup, Cocoa powder, Dark chocolate and etc.
Kimchi(Korean pickled cabbage)
Price : 200pesos
Contents: 500grams

Kimchi is a traditional side dish of salted and fermented vegetables.
Made by napa cabbage with a widely varying selection of seasonings
including chili powder, onion, garlic, ginger salted seafood and etc.
This Kimchi is not too spicy and easy to eat. The chili powder contains
the highest amount of Capsaicin, Vitamin A and C.
Supporting prevent aging and Cancer by antioxidant
Improvement immune strength and good health condition for long life
Improvement blood flowing and prevent Cardiac infarction, Osteoporosis
Increasing metabolism and weight reduction for diet
Supporting good sleep and making beautiful skin
Recommendation for combination:
Natto, Egg, Cheese, Stir-fried vegetables (Pork), Hot pot

Calamansi Vinegar
Small size
Price : 200pesos
Contents: 220ml
Large size
Price : 400pesos
Contents: 500ml

This vinegar is made by extracted from famous Filipinas fruit Calamansi.
Also based vinegar is made in Japan.
Calamansi vinegar is a superblyversatile condiment, adding a beautiful sweet and sour taste and
a bright citrus touch to any recipe from salad dressings to desserts.
Supporting good sleep and recovery from physical exhaustion
Reducing visceral fat, Diet, weight reduction and making beautiful skin
Preventive Infections, High blood sugar, Cancer and Stress
Improvement immune strength and good health condition for long life
Recommendation for combination:
Cold water, Hot water, Soda, Milk, Soju, Gin Vodka, Beer, Fruit juice,
Yogurt, Dressing for salad with olive oil and etc.
Nuts and dried fruits
You can eat all of them as is.
We recommend putting the dried fruit in yogurt overnightto let it absorb the moisture and return it to a soft texture.
※When ordering, please enter the item name and quantity directly in the comments section of the order form.
Price : 50pesos

Dried pineapple
Price : 150pesos
Contents: 60grams

Dried Coconut
Price : 150pesos
Contents: 40grams

Unsalted cashew nuts (split)
Price : 150pesos
Contents: 100grams

Unsalted Roasted Almonds
Price : 150pesos
Contents: 90grams

First Order Form
Order Form for 2nd Order and After
Please read this if you are using a motorcycle delivery service

For customers outside our normal delivery area, we will put the product in a refrigerated container and send it by motorcycle courier
※additional shipping fees will be charged

Delivery area and shipping fee
〇Bulacan Province (except San Miguel)
and Pampanga Province: 100₱
○San Miguel Bulacan : 200₱
〇Metro Manila: 200₱
〇Laguna Province
〇Rizal Province
〇Cavite Province: 300₱
Points to note
〇We accept orders of 3 or more items excluding nuts and dried fruits.
〇Payment is only by G-cash, and items will be shipped after the funds arrive.
※If you do not have a G-cash account, you can deposit funds into Gcash from your bank account,
or use a nearby G-cash cash-in service.
〇We may not be able to meet your desired delivery date and time due to rider allocation.
〇We may not be able to deliver to the above areas due to riders not being available, etc.
※We will check each time after your order is placed.
〇Delivery will generally be made after noon outside of the surrounding areas of Bulacan.
Delivery in the morning is not possible.
〇Some riders occasionally charge customers for shipping,but we will pay the shipping fee.
Please do not pay the shipping fee or product price to the rider.
*Tips are OK
Order Form for Motorcycle Courier (Lalamove)
Daisuke Murata
Mobile: 0945-263-1179
Messenger : Daisuke Murata